Serving & selling in your own way starts with you embracing ALL of yourself by leveraging your past experiences, your current pursuits, successes, and stories… and allowing your expression to be deeply seen and known. Let’s walk through a few ways to express yourself today, and connect in a deeper way to your legacy, all while simplifying your next sales conversations.
Let’s start by evoking who you are and what you have to offer.
Who are you?
This will be the timeless question for you to ask yourself as you continue to serve, tell and sell throughout your business. You’ll be forever changing and evolving, as you should, and leaning into more of the you that you are at every step.
Here are some reflective questions to ask yourself:
- What’s your origin story?
- What was the inception of your company?
- What was the genesis of your interest in the business you’re in now?
- What makes you, as a Founder and provider of products or services, different from your competition?
- What’s your stand-out factor?
We lose when we don’t leverage our background because you’re not starting from the beginning of your journey, you had time before this business that taught you the industry practices you’re bringing into your business and courses.
There is so much value in opening up about your past experiences, journeys, and seasons of life because altogether those create your story. What if your next creative campaign had more of YOU immersed in it? We cover this inside of The Timeless Sales Method course if you’re interested in facilitating a transformation through your personal and brand-forward stories.
Stories have the ability to weave people together. People walk through experiences and want to find folks that share similar journeys so they can feel better seen and understood. Your story is personal but also holds the power to be influential and impactful to others. Give your readers an opportunity to bond with you.
People connect with people.
Stories inspire stories.
Your journey could be the one thing someone else needs to hear in order to take the next step. It’s time to stop doubting the importance of your experiences. It’s time to hone in on the beauty of our journeys and allow our stories to light the fire for someone else to share theirs.
Who are you becoming?
As you reflect on your past and how that influences the impact for your present, let’s also take a peek into the future.
Consider these questions with me:
- What is the biggest impact that you desire to make in the world?
- What is the legacy you’d like to leave?
Just as it is important to embrace where you came from and the paths you took to get here, it is also crucial to invest time and energy into defining what you’d like to leave behind. The fact that you are able to leave a footprint on the world is HUGE. You get to make your imprint, and in order to make the most of it, it’s important to deeply consider what that looks like so that you can confidently pursue the mission you’re living out.
When you know these pieces, you know what you’re bringing to the table.
Bringing you to the table…
If you know what you’re bringing to the table, you can simplify your marketing and sales structures to scale your company to the realm you desire from a place of complete confidence in you, your brand, your stories, your successes, and the absolute obsession you have with helping your communities to reach their desired goals through your services, products, experiences, etc.
If you leverage your origin story and lead folks through a service-focused view of how the story led you to meet them to help them in their treacherous journey RIGHT NOW… you’ll leave an imprint in their minds. Think of your story as consumable for the consumer and relevant to their pain points now with a sidecar of pleasure.
Key Takeaways
I want to empower you to not double down on the pain within your communities and instead expose it, lead them like you would a horse to water, and ask them to drink from the deep pool of water (what we’ll call pleasure for this analogy).
- Be the guidance they need
- Give them the support that invites methods rooted in hope and joy
- Be the motivator to seek pleasure in their own story
- Give them the opportunity to find something sweet and good on the other side of their journey
It’s time we leave our community with the choice to pursue growth and find pleasure in areas that once felt debilitating. Let’s help them re-write their story.
They can choose to stay in pain or proceed to find pleasure in their journey THROUGH the knowledge, expertise, and information you share with them through your services.
Your services are a catalyst for change and when we can empower our communities to see that our services are there for a reason, a catalyst for them to arrive at their ideal destination of pleasure (with solutions in hand) … everyone benefits.
Don’t be afraid to offer solutions.
Don’t be timid to share your wisdom.
When you share…
Everyone rises. Everyone is empowered. Everyone is helped.
If you’re seeking support in doing this, peruse our services page here for how we can help. We serve a wide variety of modern businesswomen through self-paced education married to intimate support and private, high-touch spaces for our eyes to be directly on your business and your business alone.

Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade and it was exhilarating for Ashleigh to climb the retail, corporate, higher education, and start-up ladder holding positions such as Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist, Manager, Editor, Co-Editor…until it wasn’t. Alongside her degree, Ashleigh decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time. The Cheetah Company, founded by Ashleigh, does this for female entrepreneurs through their education, coaching, and consulting services. Learn more about Ashleigh here.