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Let’s talk about the points of the show. So how to position yourself in the market.
This is a huge reason clients come our way. And something that I really like to smile about because we have a pretty small community across our digital presence.
We might be omnipresent, but it’s still pretty small. And yet we have this very deep imprint in the minds of our absolute clients, our best fit partners and referral partners.
And it’s because of the way we position ourselves in the market, while intentionally focusing on communication directly with ideal clients who we call absolute clients, to not necessarily get so bogged down with the volume game. I love volume. I think it’s fun I’ve been in lots of like spaces and places where I’ve sold volume, but I knew we didn’t need volume to reach our first goals in business.
So let’s get into brand positioning and how you can position yourself in the market without having to do so damn much.
So brand positioning in a saturated market, first off, curious cue for you. Do you believe the market is saturated?
The answer is yes to brand positioning. The answer is probably yes, it’s a saturated market. There’s a lot more folks in the market, which is all saturation really means.
So consider as we’re talking, what your brand positioning can be, based on who you are as a leader, who your leaders are on your team and the clientele that you want to serve. Versus thinking so big about this, like saturated market of like, “oh my God, oh my God, I’m never going to be able to get into this market.” yes, you can. Yes, you will. You’re doing great.
So let’s get into brand positioning. Here are the usual points of brand positioning, especially in a saturated market, but even just like building a brand from the ground up. Here’s some of the things that you’ll probably go through.
Create your unique selling proposition, your USP. If you’re not sure what this is essentially, how are you doing something different in the market with your specific offers? Even if your offers or obviously like your industry or field, mirror your peers, how is your offer standing out just a little bit?
Brand your business for a strong foundation. So essentially let’s not pull from everything and try to like hodgepodge something. Let’s really consider what do we want this brand to evoke every time someone comes to our digital or physical presence?
Empower your team to communicate brand authority. So if you are the only one that knows your brand stories, from like origin stories, conversion stories, here’s how we got here, all of those pieces. It’s, it’s not just for you to know. You should not be the vault of information that slows everyone down. So get all of your stories out on documentation.
Know your target demographics and psychographics.
I personally lean into psychographics more often than not.
They’re rooted in things like purpose and values, and they want other people to be rooted in purpose and values. They want to give a damn about the world that we’re leaving behind, the generations to come, the generations that are here. They want to leave their imprint and their mark in a really, really beautiful way that helps the world think deeper about what they’re doing every single day, to create harmony in the world, to shift society forward in a positive way.
I want you to lead list your probable prospects.If you’re not sure how to lead list, spreadsheet, that ish. Literally spreadsheet; name, how you want to serve them, why you think they’d be a great client. We just need some notes about this person. There’s a more in depth strategy, of course, but I just want you to have the basics right now.
Create a customer profile. With F creating that customer profile, you can really lean on your demographics and psychographics and probably the people that are already circling you as long as they feel right. Not just intuitively, but pragmatically, are they going to be able to work within your services? Are they going to be able to pay for your services? Are they going to be a great client for your services?
So with that being said, an avatar is really just considering who is this person? How are they living out X, Y, and Z? So that profile is like the approach to get to your specific solution. So what kind of problems are they having? What are their days looking like, specifically in correlation to the solution they need from you to fix the problem in their day that they can’t fix without the solution.
Use testimonials. This is again, brand positioning overall and how most are brand positioning in a saturated market, which is the correct format.
Use those testimonials from satisfied customers. I love a good case study.
Create. A competitor analysis. We love a SWOT analysis. That’s my favorite. A little SWOTY SWOT. So strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, just an easy peasy matrix that most learn in any kind of schooling to do with business and, myself included. To ensure that you know, what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are your opportunities? And what are your threats? And mirroring that or rather kind of mirroring, but like, putting it side by side to your competitor and saying, okay. Can I potentially use the threats as a key piece here to see where my opportunities are? Can I look at their weaknesses and see, do my strengths actually combat their weaknesses? So I can be better in my strengths and ultimately be that 3 percent better in the market than they are, so therefore business comes our way.
But like I said, I’m bringing a different perspective to this conversation.
We’re going to be meshing strategy and energetics together as we usually do at TCC.
So I want to share a little story before I give you a perspective here that fuses kind of the pragmatic and practical of brand positioning by the points mentioned before, with like the woo and the whimsical.
So when I first started this business, it was called By Ashleigh Henry and it was essentially a connection to freelancing. Since I had been working since I was 15, I picked a lot up and I was like, I just want to, I think I want to work at a marketing agency.
So I started in an agency, but even after that, I was like, no, this still isn’t right. I was running the marketing agency, 2020 was coming up fast and I was like, no, no, this is not right. So I was like, what am I going to do? Like I was so frustrated with myself. I can just feel it now like in my bones of like, girl, when are you going to make a decision and it feel really, really right? And I was in like a shame cycle of, I’m like trying things out. I’m a projector in human design. So I’m actually like the great experimenter. And knowing that has changed my life, changed my life because I’m like, this is what I have to do.
I have to experiment and it’s not a bad thing.
There’s no reason I can’t experiment with a bunch of stuff, right? And so again, this is when I started to give myself more grace. And consider what are my strengths and how can I apply this to my life, in a way that’s going to be really fulfilling for others and myself?
So we have this energetic exchange, and this commerce exchange.
So as we were restructuring the business in 2021, I knew I needed a different perspective. The whole point of this story is how I saw myself then versus how I see myself now and what that did for our brand positioning. So I would future cast.
I’ve done this since I was a kid. I didn’t have a name for it. I didn’t know it was a modality or anything like that. But I would just write letters to myself to create something new. Very, very main character, Leo energy to be quite frank. But later in counseling and a long road with spirituality and like late high school was when I really got into spirituality. I realized I was, what I was doing had a name. I was future casting, I was future visualizing, visualizing the future with imagery, a total sensory experience. A whole new brand of me in these letters and in these conversations with my girlfriends and on quiet walks on the beach and later in the mountains. I was like, always in a different brand of me in moments of deep meditation.
So I’d like you to consider combining the pragmatic work of evaluating and elevating your brand positioning, while combining future visualization work to see yourself differently, your company differently, and the truth of where you’re probably at.
So here’s some questions to ask yourself to dive into some visualization.
In one year, how do I wake up every day?
- What’s my routine like?
- And why did I create this routine?
- Can you attach feelings to the routine?
I want you to journal on it. Keep it in a place you’ll be able to reference back to. Create a voice memo to listen back to it on the, regular to train your brain that this is who you’ve become.
Make sure that you’re talking in future past tense as though it’s already happened.
And then finally, after you journal on all of this, let us know how it goes. Keep us updated. Okay?
So, all right, I hope, I hope I just, I pray for your evolution. Like I just pray wherever you want to go, that you get there and that you go.
Listen to the full episode on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon.

Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade and it was exhilarating for Ashleigh to climb the retail, corporate, higher education, and start-up ladder holding positions such as Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist, Manager, Editor, Co-Editor…until it wasn’t. Alongside her degree, Ashleigh decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time. The Cheetah Company, founded by Ashleigh, does this for female entrepreneurs through their education, coaching, and consulting services. Learn more about Ashleigh here.