Listen to the full episode here: Apple, Spotify, and Amazon.
Effective Business Consulting For Women Starts With This
Burnout was one of the most searched keywords of 2023. At a monthly average of 823,000 searches via Google, per Nigel Frank International, there is an obvious and overwhelming trend of a society that is over stacked, under supported, and over-stressed. Stress is still one of the highest contributors to disease and death and though this takes us down a starker path of discussion… It leads me to think that one of the most important things we can do in 2024 and beyond is to design our lifestyles in a way that decreases stress, burnout, and the constancy of exhaustion.
Effective business consulting for female founders and women in general will always start with a lifestyle discussion. Business goals, derived without a lifestyle evaluation of what balancing motherhood and business looks like or overall worklife balance for entrepreneurs or time management for female entrepreneurs, are senseless markers of failure more often than they are of potential and success.
I can’t tell you what your success looks like and anyone who says they can, can’t. You are your own inner mentor as a female entrepreneur, but what I can do is advise you and guide you to review your “pie of life”, your holistic harmony in life and business®, your business goals, and how you’re going to get there with a feeling of success every step of the way.
If you desire success while leveraging burnout prevention as an entrepreneur then you’re in the right place. Effective business consulting for women encompasses understanding the unique challenges they face and addressing them head-on.
Investing in Our Well-Being as Female Entrepreneurs is a Business Growth Strategy in 2024 and Beyond
Often I see female entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in their well-being, but business growth takes the stage and hustle is glorified constantly as a way to “one day” be able to have more time, more space, and more energy for the things that they could be investing in today.
Like any good investment strategy, the gains are made diligently over time, with space for growth and ups and downs, instead of dumping all of the money available into the stock market at once and hoping for a quick return.
Thus, if business growth is a catapult strategy for a future self to have more space, time, and energy then the habits needed to enjoy that space, time, and energy would need to be cultivated now for steady growth and gain.
More often than not, female entrepreneurs are doing too much in too many directions to truly see business growth and business transformation. Effective business consulting for women helps female entrepreneurs focus on their well-being, allowing them to see the world through a lens of opportunity instead of stress, hypervigilance, exhaustion, and burnout.
I personally have a story of burnout that led me to land in the hospital time and time again as I worked in higher education at a law school; many events were punctuated with me passing out because the event prep felt more important than sleeping, eating balanced meals, moving my body in a conscious manner (instead of constant cardio and HIIT workouts), managing my stress, and creating space for peace and harmony.
That story of burnout continued again and again throughout my career and I found myself wishing for more energy, more capability, and less chronic symptoms instead of recognizing that I myself could have paused, created more energy, more sustainable capability, and healed my chronic systems if I would have designed my life and career around holistic harmony. Holistic harmony in life and business is our methodology and framework to help female entrepreneurs to build a life and business that are rooted in their own version of balance.
We never want to tell a founder how much to work or leisure or serve or experience relationships or create space for spirituality; instead, we help them build their own unique pie of life through our holistic harmony framework that releases them from guilt, shame, and societal programming of what they think they should be doing or climbing the ladder towards. Effective business consulting for women involves guiding them to create this balance and harmony.
The entrepreneurial story is often fueled by something that many cannot recognize until they themselves are aware of their own unique background and trauma. This note by Stephen Hunt, an entrepreneurship researcher, consultant, and social entrepreneur, keys in what we should be aware of in entrepreneurship: “Trauma can significantly impact an individual’s motivations and choices towards entrepreneurship. Individuals who have experience of trauma may be driven to entrepreneurship as a way to fulfill unmet needs from their past, seeking to recreate an environment where they feel valued, safe, and in control.”
Where are you seeking validation from entrepreneurship versus creating a lifestyle and designing it with harmony in mind?
Business Transformation Stories for Women Business Owners Starts With This
Trusting your own inner guidance, inner advisor, and self-mentorship are the keys to business transformation stories becoming a reality for women business owners. The clients that work best with us are the ones that have cultivated a sense of self-trust that is unshakable. Even as we work through specifics of their brands and businesses, I want our clients to ask deep questions, think differently and acutely about their growth.
If potential clients are simply seeking a sounding board that says “yes” to all of their ideas or a space to act as though they’re doing the work needed to grow their businesses without actually doing the work, then The Cheetah Company isn’t the right fit for them.
Business transformation stories for female entrepreneurs truly happen when we can partner with founders that are interested in learning long-term skills, preparing their lives and businesses for success, and applying said skills and plans. Achieving business goals and growth in 2024 is simpler than ever, but without our clients having an inner self-trust that meets us there at the table… we’re simply not going to be able to do as much as we could IF the client was energetically prepared for their own success.
Effective business consulting for women is about more than just strategy; it’s about fostering a mindset and energy conducive to success.
Success doesn’t just exist in business strategy, sales strategy, marketing strategy, PR strategy, and the like; success is cultivated through thought, mindset, and energy before all else. I truly believe that the stories of success we’ve all heard before – the Sara Blakely’s, the Steve Jobs’, the Elon Musk’s, the Richard Branson’s – didn’t start with strategy, but energetics and belief beyond all else.
If you as a potential client walk into our cheetahlicious doors knowing that you’re going to be successful no matter what, then we get to partner in that belief together alongside the belief that we have for you (that you will, indeed, be successful no matter what). However, if you believe that everything is difficult, hard, too challenging, overwhelming, and you’re not willing to put in the work and inner work to grow your company then we’ll both be at a loss, right? Effective business consulting for women means partnering with clients who are prepared for their own success.
Strategies for Business Transformation Will Always End and Begin With Networking and Community Building for Female Entrepreneurs
Effective business consulting for female founders can support the internal and external growth of a founder’s company – from business foundations and development during the pre-revenue startup stages to established brands with national teams and millions of dollars in revenue – but there’s more that’s needed for female entrepreneurs in 2024 and beyond.
Networking, community building, and getting in the right rooms with the right people all going the right direction together will create a collective and collaborative space that allows for society to positively shift forward with the impact of entrepreneurship at the helm.
This is why we’ve created The Harmonious Business Mini-Mind, our mastermind that gets the right people in the right rooms together to create a longstanding impact beyond just services and products. It’s where we help founders design lifestyles that revolve around harmony, in a world where a stressed out, constantly exhausted, and completely overworked woman exists. It’s where we help founders craft their message that resonates with their ideal clients and partnerships and beyond to spread their movement in far reaching corners of the world, expanding past Instagram and TikTok. It’s where we ask founders to really consider where their good works and good money will be sent to positively impact society through philanthropy.
Networking with the wrong people will leave you feeling like you’re sitting at a table that you don’t belong at, even if you have similar interests, values, and success markers as them. You may recognize that there are still values that aren’t being discussed that are of higher importance than anything else. Effective business consulting for women ensures that they have the right support systems and communities in place to thrive through intentional networking.
Often, our clients feel liberated after going through our lifestyle evaluation exercises to recognize where they aren’t feeling connected, rooted, or impactful in their lives. That data allows for us to then consider actions needed in the short-term and long-term to be able to effectively shift their lives forward and then expand out into serving, providing charity, and supporting causes they believe in.
Listen to the full episode here: Apple, Spotify, and Amazon.
Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade and it was exhilarating for Ashleigh to climb the retail, corporate, higher education, and start-up ladder holding positions such as Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist, Manager, Editor, Co-Editor…until it wasn’t. Alongside her degree, Ashleigh decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time. The Cheetah Company, founded by Ashleigh, does this for female entrepreneurs through their education, coaching, and consulting services. Learn more about Ashleigh here.