Feel like you’re forever going to be on the content train?
Content used to be king, but now we wonder if content is king only if connection is queen? It’s what we’re coining because it’s usually in the arenas of connection and collaboration that we see the most growth for our clientele.
If you haven’t read our latest blog post about whether or not content converts for you, enjoy that read here. Bill Gates originally coined the phrase “content is king” and we give you more details inside this post!
A client came to us in early 2021, we’ll notate her as M throughout this case study, seeking to move from a lot of unnecessary content creation to a streamlined marketing and sales strategy that would result in more clientele and less content creation.
We’ve been diligently working with M since early 2021, and it’s currently June 2022, and she’s seen incredible results throughout her experience. Her latest major win and celebration is that she celebrated $72k in revenue in one month while serving a mission-focused clientele that she loves to serve, all while having the ability to do the thing she loves the most within her services (coach and consult!)
Ready to see her experience? We can’t wait to show you!
The Timeline
M’s story is one for the books, but before we jump into the timeline I want you to have a keen view of who she is and where she’s come from.
She’s a powerhouse, won’t take no for an answer kind of woman. She’s been in PR and marketing for quite a while, but was burning out from running her own strategy while doing the same for her clientele and running a team. She was in the midst of niching down alongside a business coach while in the container with us and simultaneously we supported her alongside the business coach, therefore the below is weaved from our perspective as her consultant and via the sharings from M to our team.
-M started working with us in May 2021 and she’ll be with us until at least January of 2023
-She needed support with lead generation (she was handling her social media marketing at the time)
-She heard we were coaching and inquired for more information after reading about it on our social account
-She shifted from lead generation (which was supporting her goals at the time, but she desired more) to social media coaching (with a HEAVY hand in sales management)
-We focused on the following areas: content, connection, collaboration, and conversion
-We upgraded her content and took her away from platforms that were full of non-qualified leads (her Facebook group wasn’t the niche she wanted to work with anymore so she invited them to her email list and let them go if they didn’t convert there)
-We moved her away from ALL of the platforms, as she was omnipresent and had every platform under the sun, and we focused on one main platform (LinkedIn) that was full of her ideal clients
-We focused on LinkedIn, her website, her email list, and collaboration (she started connecting with a group of parallel supporters that could refer her to leads and she built the sexiest referral platform that I’ve had the honor of working on with a client to date)
-We started seeing a lot of connection calls and sales call on her calendar
-We shifted her away from connection calls but used all of the data we received from those experiences to begin building her first passive offer within her new niche
-She recorded a sales call for me to review (much like a coach reviews a basketball game to coach the team even better!) and I could see clearly why she wasn’t seeing the conversion she desired
-We created a sales-call guide for her (and upgraded her application form to give her the ability to see who was ready for a call and who was ready to be connected with and re-routed to a different offer via email without wasting her time as a busy consultant + mom of two)
-She physically and emotionally became so comfortable with serving and selling on sales calls that bringing in new clientele was an absolute instead of a hope
-She had her highest revenue ever…$72k in one month
-She’s now focused on shifting and delegating a good amount of work to her strategic hire that she made alongside us to ensure that she’s fully on client management, service, and continued scale
-She’s now focusing on crafting an offer that will serve a subsect of her clientele that are not ready for private consulting with her to ensure that she’s supporting many with her abilities while keeping her private containers within the investment range that they should be in
The Shifts
There were so many, right?
From shifting the focus on content to strategic content on a connecting platform that was full of her ideal clients to securing a niche with very little saturation within a massive industry to crafting a power partnership with a strategic parallel supporter that actually benefits from their clientele working with our client, M.
The major shift came in her authority, presence, care, support, and ability to sell from a place of service (instead of from a place of fear!)
She had, in her hands, a *perfect converting sales template* that was actually *perfectly* creating more fear instead of allowing M to lean into her abilities, her natural way of connecting, and her humanistic ability to sell.
Every human is a salesperson, we just believe that “selling” is an action that we don’t usually take. Each time you tell your best friend about a new movie on Netflix they need to see or the newest album to binge on Spotify…you’re selling.
We helped M restructure her application, asked her to be diligent in not getting on the phone with anyone that wasn’t qualified by the application (and to lead them to a different service via email to ensure that her face-to-face time was protected as a busy six-figure business owner with two children and a life outside of work), and we mapped out a sales-kit for her to use during the call that was based on sales psychology principles, her personality, her leadership profile, and her communication style.
The Results
The result? All of the above, but we’ve shortened it for you to the below results:
- More ideal clients in her sphere of influence
- More mission-focused work on her desk
- More revenue in the business (month over month!)
- Less connection calls, admin tasks, and the like (moved to the team)
- Less fear, struggle, and strife in the sales-conversion process
- Less discontentment with the output of work to revenue-in
Key Takeaways:
If you feel like the world of marketing and sales is complex, difficult, or overwhelming…it’s most likely because you’re having to piece together a lot of disconnected strategies or “one-hit-wonder” strategies that don’t allow for consistent connection, collaboration, and conversion.
If you’re seeking support, review our services page. If you’re interested in more ways to increase revenue without burning out, all while serving your absolute-clients (our version of ideal clients!) and retaining them then find our complimentary resources here.

Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade and it was exhilarating for Ashleigh to climb the retail, corporate, higher education, and start-up ladder holding positions such as Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist, Manager, Editor, Co-Editor…until it wasn’t. Alongside her degree, Ashleigh decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time. The Cheetah Company, founded by Ashleigh, does this for female entrepreneurs through their education, coaching, and consulting services. Learn more about Ashleigh here.