2022 was a breakthrough year for The Cheetah Company and though we usually stick in the arena of celebrating our clients more than we celebrate ourselves… this is our victory lap.
In 2022, we had the honor of working with clients all around the globe with our national team. It was the year we officially retired our social media and lead generation agency to pivot into a model that felt more connected to our vision and misson in the here and now and future. Our final agency client rolled out of their contract in early January 2022 and we fully embraced who we truly are: a marketing and sales consulting firm with an edu arm for the modern businesswoman to keep marketing and sales in-house for the growth of her brand.
Agency models can be profitable; our agency was profitable, but looking into the future as an entrepreneur does I felt like our agency model was going to hinder our growth, our global clientele’s growth, and we embraced our coined term holistic harmony more than ever. We want to live harmonious lives that embrace our own sense of balance and agency life can be harmonious, but it’s also the grind that an agency model loves.
It was our year to breakout of the box we had set around ourselves and our clientele through embracing a more profitable, expansive, and embracing model for the modern businesswoman in the pre-revenue startup phase to the established stages in 6, multi-6, and 7-figure models.
It’s an honor to unveil our powerful year, but with every power move… there are moments of purpose when purpose invited our whole team to lean deeper into our individual growth as people, as women, and as a team. This article will be based around our Annual Service Summary, in case you’d like a deeper look into our year.
Our Guiding Mission, Values, & Vision
The Cheetah Company’s mission is to support the modern woman to resiliently rise in her personal power to dynamically design her harmonious life and business with peace, confidence, freedom, and enthusiasm.
Our guiding values are ambition, community, compassion, generosity, harmony, revolution, and sovereignty. We’re not here to build imitations of ourselves; we’re here to imprint the truth in every modern businesswoman we work with that they are sovereign founders. They’re the creatives, they’re the ones that have the answers internally of what to bring to the world and we’re here to help them conceptualize it into reality, craft it as craftsmanship should be crafted – through an artistic quiet, through contemplation, through unboxing their creativity and dismantling their creation away from their industry, their old ways of learning, and their exhaustive comparisonitis.
Our vision is to illuminate an ethical, empowering, & enthusiastic approach to business that stands the test of time and moves society forward in a positive way. We’re exhausted by the illusion of pain-point marketing be the cusp that the online business space holds onto. We’re tired of brick & mortar business owners believing that they can have a harmonious life and business while teaching their in-house team how to market, sell, and lead while they’re not on the floor. We’ve worked with modern businesswomen in a variety of industries that have been in business for less than a year to upwards 20+ years in their industries and what I’ve noticed as the founder is that habits, routines, old ways, and the “business as usual” structures are what keep them in prisoner in their own creation.
We help women liberate themselves from the imprisonment of their creations by providing the new way of marketing, serving and selling, and leading their lives and businesses as the harmonious executive editor to their lives and businesses.
I look for signs, symbols, and patterns everywhere. I think we all do in some ways; we’re human and we’re forever trying to make sense of what’s around us, right?
I noticed that “illuminate”, “illuminating”, or “illuminated” were words that were surrounding me in late 2021. I wasn’t sure “why”, but I noticed it consistently and leaned in.
- make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up.
- help to clarify or explain.
In 2022, we chose to illuminate The Cheetah Company in a way we haven’t before. This company started under my name — Byashleighhenry — but we knew to grow to where we were meant to go we’d need to release my identity to welcome in the true nature of what we’re building. The Cheetah Company was made publicly visible, clarified, bright, and illuminated in 2022 like never before.
Byashleighhenry at its core was never about what folks could have potentially perceived that it was about: social media support without a focus on a larger business, brand, marketing and sales strategy, viral trends, quick growth (in revenue or followers), or *insert some other contrived notion.*
Byashleighhenry, now officially known to our communities as The Cheetah Company, has always been about more.
2022 was the year we illuminated what that more is.
The Cheetah Company values your life and business design and strategy from startup to established.
The Cheetah Company supports modern businesswomen in their journey as an advisor, guide, and supporter through consulting, coaching, and education.
The Cheetah Company is the place and space for modern businesswomen to emerge, express, root, revive, renovate, reform, and restructure their businesses.
Our signature methodologies are rooted in marketing and sales, but we are regularly inside of businesses through business conduct and strategy, team culture and leadership, branding and public relations.
We were always more than a social media agency, but as we retired the agency we were delicate in our company’s illumination…
And the truth is we’ve always been the modern businesswoman’s power partner.
From startup to established, we’ve worked with a variety of industries and business models.
Due to my personal past of having a key to the front door of every business I’ve ever worked for as an employee turned manager or lead… I can’t keep my hands off of brick & mortar business models… building in monthly recurring revenue in models that have never had it.
I can’t keep my hands off of brick & mortars turning to digital spaces to spread their missions, deepen their visions, to increase brand awareness and to drive traffic in-store.
I can’t keep my hands off of digital businesses that are separating into more than one brand for deeper awareness and connection with core segments in their communities that needn’t be confused by the wrong directions in marketing through one core brand.
I can’t keep my hands off of marrying digital and physical together.
We’ve never just been a social media and lead generation agency (now retired)… at our core The Cheetah Company has always quietly been designing and redesigning lives and businesses to be in harmony with each other through timeless business practices that will outlast the test of time.
Client Successes
Expanding their client rosters to work with the most ideal & absolute clients.
Messaging and positioning being so concise, succinct, and intentional that their absolute clients said to them in the sales process that they knew they were supposed to work with our clients because of their messaging.
Expanding their teams — some from part time to full time — to hold the weight of their capacity’s being stretched to new heights.
Celebrating their highest annual revenue ever.
Celebrating making $20-$60k+ over their projected profit plans due to our work together.
Celebrating new services taken to market and being completely booked out (or near to!) through strategic launches.
Celebrating their highest revenue months yet through our strategic and timeless methods of launching new & signature offers.
Moving brick & mortar business models to the online business space after 20 years in their industry; seeing increases in in-store traffic and conversion into digital offers immediately due to the trust of the online community in the expert.
Supporting brick & mortar clients to see higher traffic, higher revenue per event and more brand awareness than ever due to our work together.
Surpassing 6, multiple 6, and 7 figures in revenue.
Many of our clients, members, and students have shifted into their businesses full time, surpassing their corporate or 9-5 income.
Many of our clients purchased their first homes, renovated second homes, and/or purchased new investment properties for the very first time due to the influx of capital in their companies.
Many of our clients brought new products, services, and second businesses to market this year and we had the honor of strategically supporting them.
We support our clientele, members, and students with strategy, support, guidance, advisement, timeless frameworks, and resources to encourage growth beyond our time of service.
We’ve been told that we support our clients in harmoniously redesigning their lives and businesses for peace, prosperity, and purpose.
We are so grateful to do so and are happy to celebrating our clientele on high.
The Cheetah Company is the modern businesswoman’s power partner to grow her life and business in a holistic and harmonious way.
Company Initiatives
We took on the ever-sexy reels challenge to prove our hypothesis: it would tank our content performance and be a low-grade way to connect with our clientele. And, oh boy, wasn’t it. A 30 day initiative with a stated hypothesis to review whether or not reels were vital to our Instagram strategy; we shared our distinct data via a masterclass to show that reels actually decreased our numbers across the board.
We had a monumental photoshoot. We updated our company’s imagery to include more of what we’re known for: community & being an actual vibe, while marrying high-end luxury in an eclectic, bold, and classy way. Our imagery is regularly commented on and gushed over. Makes us blush!
We repositioned our brand and went through another incredible iteration of our branding alongside Hello June Creative. We rebranded in 2021 & over the months after receiving the assets I felt this pull for Byashleighhenry to be The Cheetah Company, The Cheetah HQ, or something… different. Something bigger than just my name. We shifted to a more community-centric model to boldly run towards our most colossal visions for our brand. Stay tuned for more because we’re not finished with this expansion and we’ll be actively working on all of 2023.
We expanded our reach to support the modern businesswoman beyond our three core spaces of service digitally (web, email, and Instagram) to an omnichannel presence that invites collaboration and conversion at every point. I wrote down on my vision board that I wanted to expand our brand in a major way. We expanded our reach and our message beyond the corners of our Instagram, email community, and website to Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and a collaborative blog. I’ve been speaking and collaborating with local entrepreneurial organizations in Asheville, North Carolina and have had the honor of speaking in two events for the Asheville chapter of The Beauty Boost.
The Cheetah Café came to life. My high school dream came to life as we created The Cheetah Café… a collaborative blog where we feature modern businesswomen we trust and our own articles to support our communities with information and strategic partners the community can trust. This investment step in our brand and the brands of our strategic partners is a major move toward our grand vision for The Cheetah Company (10 years from now!)
Our team has expanded in huge ways since our last Service Summary. We have the honor of working with Erin Keller and Emma Fabros day in and day out. Erin is our Executive Assistant and Emma is our Creative Assistant. The Cheetah Company is better because they’re on the team.
We hosted a campaign called Shine the Light. Read more about this historical moment in our Annual Service Summary on page 26-27. This is a huge piece of the mission of our company and we illuminated it to the community in summer of 2022. This was our favorite intiative in 2022 because we had the honor of spotlighting the Ocala Domestic Violence Center, which connects directly to my story as a woman that has resiliently risen back into her personal power after experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault.
We brought a 4-day digital immersion that was powerful and had concierge-level service to the online space through The Timeless Sales Experience to reveal our signature course The Timeless Sales Method course. This experience allowed for me to teach live lessons from our latest course to a community of 55 entrepreneurs seeking to grow their companies. Many said it historically changed their businesses. Click here, here, and here to see the words of attendees and me crying on the internet because I achieved a goal I’ve wanted to pursue since 2015. We curated, crafted, and live launched our signature framework to approaching sales — in person and online — to provide a self-paced experience for those that are interested in being intuitively and instinctively aware of when to serve and when to sell.
As Seen In
We were speaking, talking, showing up, and serving in a huge way in 2022. We listed out all of our features from public to podcast speaking and goodness, we were talkative.
Private Sessions:
- The Awakening Academy
- The Awakening Membership
- The Awakening Virtual Retreat
- Blossom Membership
- The Inner Circle
- The Soul Seeker Society
- Spark Media Concepts Membership
Private and Public Contributions:
- Fighting for Your Joy
- The Vision You’re Using Money to Build
- Your Burn and Churn Methods are Costing You
Panels, Retreats, & Summits:
- The Beauty Boost of Asheville’s Women Wonderland Panel
- Fempreneur Online’s Slay Your Course Summit
- On Camera Confident Retreat
- The Business Reboot’s Retreats (Winter & Fall)
Grief as a Founder
It’s easy to share the wins when you’re winning, but while we were winning as a company… I was navigating grief. The below story is a piece from the Annual Service Summary and inside of the summary are two other pieces regarding belonging, expectations and pedestals.
Last year around this time my father had a breathing attack that almost captured his life.
My mom called me with the gruffness in her voice I silently recognized as her child: panic.
Panicking phone calls from 442 miles away wasn’t the way I envisioned our last week in office going last year.
I paused and strategized; I shared with clients what was happening and took personal space… extending contracts into January of 2022 to ensure that clients were served, but that I first focused on being available to my life and family.
We were, thankfully, already pre-prepped to head out of office. We were still running our social media and lead generation agency; we were still monitoring content being posted for all clientele and our lead generation team was still actively supporting clients as I stepped away to be a person away from work.
I received photo after photo, text after text, of my father breathing with oxygen support for the very first time.
My dad; the man I affectionately wrote about for a school assignment in kindergarten as the gentle giant that could always lift me up to reach the tallest heights.
My dad is the man that influenced me to always be overeducated. My mom blessed me with her electric and eclectic taste to always be okay with being a little overdressed.
I stood in my kitchen after sending the final email to clients as I stepped out of the office for the rest of the year and just sobbed.
First because this wasn’t the first terrifying experience of 2021.
From August-November 2021 our family experienced five deaths in the family.
One is plenty, right? Five is just… traumatically intense. I was scared to check my text messages by the end of November because every text seemed to be an obituary of sorts.
Stuttering, in a childlike voice, I asked my mom, “is he going to make it? Should we catch a flight tonight?”
She confirmed he was going to make it and I clung to those words as we prepared to drive to Florida just a few days later to be with them.
I clung to the support of our cheetahlicious community as I shared what was happening via Instagram; it was the first time I personally asked our community to pray on my behalf.
It was the most beautiful experience. Intimate, immersive, intentional… prayers overflowed via text and voicememo. We were suddenly surrounded by cheetahs saying “we’re here in the pack with you… we’re praying for Mr. Kelly.”
I forwarded screenshots to my family. My mom sent tearful selfies and emojis back.
The moment I was able to hug my dad was the moment I began to breathe again. He was tangible. He was whole. He was still there.
As we stepped into a very new season of doctors appointments, supportive medicines and protocols, new equipment to support my dad’s breathing, and my mom moving into the experience of being a caretaker… I was present and there.
Our clients and members understood and loved on us with handwritten cards, coffee sent via Starbucks gift cards, voicememos, direct messages, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude for all that we were building because that love from our community ran deep.
Deeper than a number on social media.
Deeper than the number of subscribers to our email list.
Deeper than the revenue in our business.
Deeper than the amount of clients we were serving.
It was just DEEPER than anything I had ever experienced before and I’m not new to building businesses, having communities that I’m giving value to, or leading teams…
But I was very new to the deep levels of intimacy that we reached within our communities during a time of complete upheaval and pure pain in my personal life.
And I had to go first in order to receive that level of intimacy.
I wondered if I should or shouldn’t share my personal struggles online.
I wondered if I would be putting unnecessary information into the hands of our communities when we’re seen as a place to be served with solutions and skills.
I’m forever grateful to that version of Ashleigh that was brave enough to call for prayer warriors, space holders, and those that could align with peace and healing for my dad.
And I’m grateful to share that my dad is doing as well as he possibly can with the conditions he has.
He’s here and I believe every prayer uttered, every moment of space held, and all alignment with peace supported his healing journey last December.
We lost so many people in 2021 year and I’m so thankful that my daddy wasn’t on that list.
I’m so grateful that I paused working within our business while our team continued to work on behalf of our clients.
I’m so grateful that our clientele and communities were within the intimate experience alongside us.
I’m so grateful that we were embraced in the midst of trial.
I’m so grateful that we can build communities that are essentially sitting right next to us at all times through digital experiences… to be surrounded by a community that cares as deeply as ours…
…is the greatest gift.
Key Takeaways
Intimacy, immersion, intrigue, and illuminating our company allows for our clientele to feel confident and comfortable to do the same.
We have connected with so many breathtaking clients and community members all around the globe and I believe it’s because we’ve had the audacity to go first. We’ve audaciously, boldly, and intentionally crafted a brand that calls to our absolute clients from a mile away. We’re not your average marketing & sales consulting firm; we’re your audacious power partners that have already gone where you want to go and are here to help you craft your own bold pathway to get there.
If you’re called into our atmosphere, find the ways we can work together in 2023 and beyond here.

Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade and it was exhilarating for Ashleigh to climb the retail, corporate, higher education, and start-up ladder holding positions such as Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Social Media Strategist, Manager, Editor, Co-Editor…until it wasn’t. Alongside her degree, Ashleigh decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time. The Cheetah Company, founded by Ashleigh, does this for female entrepreneurs through their education, coaching, and consulting services. Learn more about Ashleigh here.